I love this quote so much - the image is from the very talented photographer, Bonnie Tsang.
I have to say, when I saw this quote, I wondered who David Searls is...is he a Christian? To make the analogy he did, I would have to think he is...all I found from an unsuccessful Google search is that he's an author.
With this quote, I would like to offer my personal opinion on life and the popular question "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
I completely agree with David Searls - to think that death = end of life, makes the world (good and bad) seem pretty pointless and useless. I am a Christian, I believe whole-heartedly in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I also believe that terrible things happen to Christian and beautiful things happen to non-believers.
How you choose to see and interpret life can great impact your opinion whether or not there is a God. I have chosen to understand loss in my life as a way of the world - a by-product of evil.
Some people believe that everything happens for a reason - I'm not saying that's false - It's hard me to understand that having gone through pain that makes absolutely sense.
I believe that bad things happen. Period. Bad things to Christians, Bad things happen to Muslims, Bad things happen to Atheists, Bad things happen to rich, poor, young, old. BUT - this is where the beautiful power of Christ comes in - Regardless of those inevitable bad things EVERYONE goes through, we have the gift of Heaven and Grace.
The horizon is not the end of ocean. The end of this life (which is unfortunately peppered with pain) is not the end. I love that this quote and photograph capture that so beautifully.
I agree with you. I believe the Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust alike. It's just part of being human. Very good post!