I love tv - I have a looong list of favorite shows - some of which, are realty shows. One of my favorites came on last night and I'm so excited!!
It has never been a dream of mine to be a Cowboy Cheerleader but I just love this show!! The girls are gorgeous and it seems like such a cool association to work for! I have to admit, every season, I go to their website to see if they have any job openings. I have no idea what I would ever qualify for in that field but it would just be fun to be a part of.
They also have a new work-out dvd:

I'm honestly pretty tempted to buy this puppy. Who wouldn't want to look like these girls?!
I wish I could've taken a picture of Jon's face when he saw this on the DVR...I'm pretty sure I'll be watching this alone while Jon plays XBOX.
So far I don't have any favorites - next week they will start training with the veterans...I have some favorites from earlier seasons to root for :)