Friday, August 28, 2009


OK - I am now a HUGE fan of Craigslist. Have you ever used it? I've LOOKED on Craigslist before but I've never LISTED...until yesterday at 2:30pm.

When Jon and I married, his grandmother gave us her washer/dryer. You will die when you see this dryer. Yes, it's mustard yellow...yes, it's covered in stickers...yes, it's extremely loud when using BUT it does dry your clothes. Are you sold yet? Well, 12 people already are and it's only 9:30am!! they are, in all their glory:
I'm so excited to get rid of these!
Now I need to find what else I can get rid of...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Post Number One!

Ok, so I don't claim to have an ultra-exciting life but I do love reading everyone else's blogs so I thought - why not make one of my own?! So...I'm gonna give it a try - I hope to make some blogger friends and connect with friends and family!

I'm a huge camera-fanatic when it comes to Ellie...that's about ALL that's on my memory card so I will post her cute-ness weekly. I also love the interesting/creative themes people create for different days of the week so once I get into my groove, I'll hopefully think of something for that!!
For now, here's some of my favorite pictures of Ellie.